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Locked Keys In Car

Table of Contents

What to Do When You’ve Got Locked Keys in Car: Expert Solutions

Nothing is more frustrating than when you accidentally lock your keys in the car. Being stranded outside of your locked vehicle or losing your car keys could put you or your family in danger, especially if you’re stranded on the side of a busy highway or a desolate parking lot.

This article will explore what to do if you’ve been accidentally locked out of your car, how to prevent future lockouts, and when to call the professionals at Bravo Locksmith. Wherever you’re stranded, our emergency services have all the necessary tools and years of experience to get you back into your vehicle and back on the road again in no time.

Prevention and Preparation of a Locked Car Door Lock

Take preventive measures and be well-prepared to avoid getting locked out of your car. Fortunately, a few options are available that provide simple solutions to your situation.

One of the most effective steps is always to have a spare key. When you purchase a new car, make it a priority to get duplicate car keys made. Keep your spare keys in a safe place that is easily accessible, such as with a trusted friend or family member, or in a secure location at home.

You can also download the manufacturer’s phone app for emergency roadside assistance. Many newer vehicles are manufactured with technology that allows you to unlock your car door remotely via an app on your cell phone. This offers immediate access to your vehicle and unlocks it without needing physical keys. However, many people don’t own newer cars, and many cars have unique lock and key situations. This means you must have a plan to help you stay calm and resolve the lock and key issue quickly.

Hook, Line, and Other Tools: DIY Unlocking Methods

Wire Hanger Hook Method

If you’ve locked keys in the car, you can try several DIY methods before calling for our professional help. One popular technique involves using a wire hanger. Straighten the wire hanger and create a small hook at one end. Carefully insert the wire coat hanger between the door frame and the weather stripping, and use the hook to manipulate the manual lock mechanism inside.

This method requires patience and a delicate touch to avoid damaging your car. You can also carefully access the unlock button through the window, but only if there is a small amount of space between the window and the door seal. If you attempt this with a tightly sealed window, you could break the window by accident.

Fishing Line and String Method

Another method to consider is using a piece of string, fishing line, or twine. Create a hook or loop at the end of the string and gently work it into the car through a small gap at the top of the door or a slightly open car window. Maneuver the loop around the locking mechanism and pull it tight to unlock the door. This technique can be particularly effective on older vehicles with manual locks.

Specialized Tools

For those with access to specialized tools, an inflatable wedge can be a helpful aid if you’ve locked keys in the car. Insert the inflatable wedge into the area where there is a gap between the driver’s door and the car frame and inflate it to create a small space. You can then use this space to insert a long, flexible tool, such as a coat hanger or a bobby pin, to reach and pull up on the manual locks.

If the inflatable wedge doesn’t work, you can also use a Slim Jim. A Slim Jim is a thin, flat strip of metal used to unlock car doors by manipulating the internal locking mechanism through the window’s weather stripping.

While these DIY methods can be options to unlock your car door and save money, you risk damaging your vehicle if you are uncertain about the technique or the tools. It is still your best bet to consider Bravo’s professional assistance. We assist with all kinds of cars, trucks, and SUVs.

When you need the Professional Assistance of our Roadside Assistance

When DIY methods fail or if you prefer a more reliable solution, Bravo Locksmith is here to provide assistance and unlock your car door safely. Our professional locksmiths carry specialized lockout tool kits that can unlock your car door without causing damage. Our locksmiths will come to your location and open your vehicle doors quickly.

If you have car insurance, it’s worth checking if your policy includes coverage for locksmith or roadside assistance services. Many insurance providers offer this as part of their roadside assistance package. Contact them for details and, if covered, arrange for a professional to unlock your car. This can save you money and ensure that the job is done correctly.

It is worth noting that some vehicle manufacturers offer roadside assistance when you lock your keys inside your vehicle. You can locate these services through the manufacturer’s app or by calling a dedicated hotline.

Emergencies that Require Fast and Efficient Service

Law enforcement officers can handle such emergencies and can assist in unlocking your vehicle quickly and safely. If it is life or death, they will break the glass to unlock the car and retrieve a pet or child trapped inside.

If the situation is less dire but still urgent, reaching out to friends or family for help can be a practical solution. They may be able to bring you a set of spare keys or provide other assistance, such as a ride to a safe location or access to tools needed for a DIY unlocking attempt.

Staying Safe and Calm

When dealing with a locked car, staying calm and thinking clearly is crucial. Panicking will not help you find your keys or find the best solution to your lock and key problem. Feeling stressed may lead to hasty decisions that could exacerbate the situation and damage your vehicle. Remember that losing keys and being shut out of your car, while inconvenient, is a solvable problem. Staying calm and focused will help you resolve the issue more efficiently and safely.


To avoid future lockouts, take proactive measures, for example, keeping a spare key in a secure location and downloading the manufacturer’s phone app for remote access. If you do find yourself in a lockout, stay calm and consider all your options.

By being prepared and knowing what steps to take, you can quickly find your keys, access the unlock button, and get back into your vehicle, minimizing the stress and inconvenience of a car lockout. Bravo Locksmith is your source for trusted and reliable lockout, key, and lock solutions.